Shabnam Raayai Ardakani

Shabnam Raayai-Ardakani
Graduate Student
  3-249 |   shraayai[at] |   (617) 253-2198



  • Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018
  • S. M. in Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013
  • S. B. in Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2011

Research Interests

I am interested in geometry mediated drag reduction, especially looking at riblet surfaces, riblet shapes and how the shape affects the flow field and thus frictional losses. My research involves theoretical, numerical and experimental methods. Numerical work is mostly done using the OpenFOAM CFD package and I am interested in adding new components to the package to allow for post processing of the acquired data. Experimental work is focused on using wide gap Taylor Couette cell, along with the use Forms 1+ 3D printer to create riblet surfaces for experiments.

About Me

You can find my personal website here.