Sami Yamanidouzisorkhabi

Sami Yamanidouzisorkhabi
Graduate Student
  3-249 |   syamani[at]



  • M. A. Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto, 2015
  • B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, 2013

Research Interests

Turbulence and mixing layer, rheology of dilute polymer solutions, drag reduction, schlieren imaging and shadowgraphy.

About Me

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. I work with Prof. Gareth McKinley and Prof. Irmgard Bischofberger on studying mixing and turbulence of dilute biopolymer solutions using Schlieren imaging. In my research, I investigate the potential of using dilute biopolymer solutions instead of synthetic polymer solutions for drag reduction in pipelines and around marine structures.

You can find my personal website here.