
June 6, 2019
On June 6th, 2019, recent NNF graduates, Michela Geri, Divya Panchanathan, and Amir Phalavan received their PhD diplomas during the MIT 2019 Doctoral Hodding Ceremony.   
April 16, 2019
Prof. Gareth McKinley has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Congratulations, Prof. McKinley!
March 28, 2019
NNF is excited to welcome Prof. Dimitris Vlassopoulos who is visiting our group this week! Prof. Vlassopoulos was recently announed the 2019 winner of the Bingham Medal from the Society of Rheology.
February 7, 2019
Prof. Gareth McKinley has been elected as a member into the National Academy of Engineering "for contributions in rheology, understanding of complex fluid dynamical instabilities, and interfacial engineering of super-repellent textured surfaces." Congratulations, Prof. McKinley!
October 5, 2018
Shabnam Raayai-Ardakani is the recipient of the 2018 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics from the American Physical Society, "for experimental and theoretical contributions to understanding the mechanisms by which micro-textured riblet surfaces can reduce or increase the viscous frictional drag experienced in high Reynolds number laminar boundary layer flows." Congratulations Shabnam!
August 6, 2018
Amir Pahlavan successfully defended his thesis on "Moving Contact Lines and Interfacial Instabilities in Confined Environments". Congratulations Dr. Pahlavan!  
July 20, 2018
Divya Panchanathan successfully defended her thesis on "Droplet Levitation and Underwater Plastron Restoration using Aerophilic Surface Textures". Congratulations Dr. Panchanathan!
July 16, 2018
Michela Geri succesfully defended her thesis on the "Dynamics and Rheology of Soft Phase-Change Materials". Congratulations Dr. Geri!
April 11, 2018
Dr. Thibaut Divoux is the recipient of the 2018 Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award of the Society of Rheology, "for outstanding contributions to the understanding of shear-induced yielding transitions in soft glassy materials." Congratulations Thibaut! Dr. Thibaut Divoux of CNRS and the Joint MIT-CRNS unit <MSe>2 is the 2018 recipient of the Society of Rheology’s Arthur B. Metzner Early Career Award: "For outstanding contributions to the understanding of shear-induced yielding transitions in soft glassy materials."— TheSocietyofRheology (@SoRheology) April 12, 2018
March 23, 2018
Caroline Wagner successfully defended her thesis on the "Micro- and macro-rheological studies of the structure and association dynamics of biopolymer gels". Congratulations Dr. Wagner!